Welcome to Young Women’s Leadership Academy at Arnold! YWLA is a STEM focused campus, which means we demonstrate expectations of the State of Texas for STEM driven schools.
STEM encompasses four academic disciplines - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. STEM guides our vision of ensuring all 6-12 YWLA students graduate with critical thinking skills. YWLA students must have access to a world-class STEM education necessary to compete in an innovation-driven economy.
STEM provides students with hands-on, real-world projects guided by the engineering design process. It equips students with 21st century skills, preparing future generations of our young women to thrive in STEM-related college majors and STEM careers.
Our role is to continuously plan with our community partners and school personnel to implement curriculum and provide STEM focused opportunities for our students both in the classroom and beyond.
2023 YWPN STEAM Challenge 2nd place State Winners, Northpark Mall, Dallas TX
Benchmark 1: School Design
- Mentor/Induction Program Plans for YWLA
- Annual Training and Professional Development Plan With The Academy
- Academy's Leadership Team Meeting Agendas and Notes
Benchmark 2: Targeted Population
- Written Admission Policy and Enrollment Application
- Timeline of Recruitment Plan
- Recruitment Events and Camps
- Recruitment Events and Camps Recruitment Events and Camps
- Marketing/Communication in English/Spanish
- Marketing/Communication in English/Spanish
- 5th Grade Communication
- 8th Grade Communication
Benchmark 3: Strategic Alliances
- Academy Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Action Items, and Decision Logs
- Academy Meeting Presentations
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with Dallas County Community College Northlake
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with UT Austin OnRamps
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with UT Arlington
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with Young Women's Preparatory Network
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with Grand Prairie Police Department Success Closet
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with Frontiers of Flight Museum
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with Lifeline Shelter
- Final Signed and Executed MOU with United Charities
- A list of Strategic Partners with Each Member's Organization and Title
Benchmark 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Academy's Master Schedule
- Academy's Curriculum Alignment Documents
- Academy's Testing Calendar for TSI, ACT, SAT, and other Assessments
- Documentation Detailing a Minimum of Three Course Study Examples that Outline Student Pathways
Benchmark 5: Work-Based Learning
- Documentation of Appropriate Work-Based Learning Experiences Available for All Grade Levels (6-12)
- Current Dated Regional High Demand STEM Occupation list
- Aggregate Data Describing T-STEM Student Participation in Work-Based Learning Experiences & Number of Student Earned Industry Based Certifications
- Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO's)
- Student Artifacts, Presentations, Contests and Links to Digital Content
- Student Artifacts, Presentations, Contests and Links to Digital Content
Benchmark 6: Student Support
- Bridge Program Calendar and Curriculum and Agenda
- Presentation Summer Bridge
- Student Engagement Opportunities
- Tutoring and Other Intervention/Remediation Program Schedule
- Calendar of Family Outreach Events FaceBook Twitter Instagram
- Volunteer Orientation Meeting
- Food and Nutrition Program for Parents
- Basic ESL Classes for Parents
- Basic Computer Classes for Parents
- My Future, My Way
- The GPISD Experience
- Virtual Open House and Meet the Teacher Night
- Schedule of Regularly Scheduled Counseling/Advisory Events and Records
- Campus Counseling Services